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We are a volunteer led, community youth organization. Please consider volunteering for a committee position, merit badge counselor, or helping in other aspects, to ensure that the troop runs smoothly and effectively.

Local Council:


Washington Crossing


Local District:


Hunterdon Arrowhead


Charter Organization:


High Bridge United Methodist Church


Charter Executive Officer:


Wanda Mattis


Charter Representative:


Wanda Mattis




Judd Corley

Assistant Scoutmasters:


Steve Croghan
Charles Richards

Committee Chairman:

Mike Poe


Mary Lee Gage

Committee Members:


Bob Bork

Zach Fortier
Steve Gage
Alan Schwartz
Mike Sebastiano
Mike Sebastiano, Jr.
Dan Ueberall
Jon Valenta

Adult Scouter Reserve:


Bill Whitney

College Scouter Reserve:


Riley Anderson

Gavin Corley

Ethan Poe


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